Business Law
We provide simple and all-inclusive business law services at a flat fee.
Business Incorporation
As a business owner, you may separate yourself from personal liability for business debt and obligations. Other than limited liability, another advantage of incorporation is the tax rate benefit. Corporations are taxed at different rates than personal income and may also distribute this income as dividends or salary.
Our incorporation services include the following:
-Choosing a legal name
-Legal advice on choice of jurisdiction (Provincial vs. Federal)
-Paperwork related to the incorporation procedure
(reserve your company name, company statutes,
shareholder’s agreement, payment of government fees, etc.)
-Minute book : Shareholder’s registry, officers, by-laws, etc.
- GST/ PST Tax registration
Shareholder's Agreement
The shareholder's agreement is a legal document regulating the issuance, transfer, and sale of the company's shares. For example, if you are offering your shares for sale, the shareholder's agreement will dictate the terms and legality of the sale.
We can draft a customized shareholder agreement that describes the rights and obligations of each class of shareholders and meets your individual needs. We will advise you on the different types of clauses that you should consider including in the agreement, such as right of first refusal, insurance clauses, penal clauses, shareholder buybacks, shotgun clauses, etc.
Business Structure
During the incorporation procedure, we can help you draft and decide on the following:
The name of the company
The by-laws
Issuance of share certificates
What types and classes of shares to have available
What types and classes of shares to actually issue
Determine the directors of the corporation
Determine the officers of the corporation
Set restrictions on the business the company can conduct
Set restrictions on how and to whom a shareholder can sell or give shares to
Any other specific rules to your corporation
Minute Book
We provide a physical minute book which will include the complete business structure of your company in the correct legal format.
Contract drafting and review
The legal implications of contracts is often hard for the average person to fully understand. We are adamant about the importance of well-drafted contracts with parties that you do business with such as vendors, suppliers, distributors, retailers and especially your own customers.
We can help you review and revise your existing contracts to ensure that your business and its rights are protected. We can also draft customized contracts for any services or customer relations you may require.