Quebec Skilled Workers Program
The Québec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) is designed to target applicants who are most likely to be economically established in Québec and who have the specific intention to reside in Québec.
The QSWP will select candidates who have submitted an application through the ARRIMA portal and invite them to apply for a Certificat de Sélection du Québec (CSQ) based on the following factors:
Level of Education
Education Major
Work Experience
Knowledge of French and English
Time spent in Québec
Having a validated job offer in Québec
Accompanying spouse or children
Financial self-sufficiency
Who gets selected?
The QSWP has different qualifying criteria than the federal skilled worker program as it is based on Québec’s cultural uniqueness.
Additional points and priority selection is given to applicants with a Validated Job Offer. This is a separate application in which your employer confirms an offer of a permanent job to you.
French speaking candidates as well as those with families and children also have priority selection as they are more likely to integrate into Quebec society.
If you are currently working or studying in Quebec, you may be eligible for the PEQ (Programme de l'Expérience Québécoise) which is a faster way to obtain immigration through in the Quebec Skilled Workers program.
How we can help
Get up to date info. The Quebec Skilled Workers program has been constantly changing for the last few years with new guidelines, new submission portals and new eligibility criteria. We keep up to date with the latest immigration news and direct you towards the best possible solutions for your specific case.
Submit the application in a timely manner. You may find yourself overwhelmed by the application procedure and you likely want to submit your application before new regulation changes your eligibility to apply. We will ensure your application is submitted as soon as possible.
Submit a complete application. If you are missing any information or documents to your application, you may lose on your chance to immigrate or never get selected to apply for permanent residency. We will prepare you in advance for the required documents and ensure your application is complete.
Monitor your application. Once your application is submitted, you may receive requests to provide additional information or documents to prove the information provided in your application. You do not want to miss any deadlines or requests from immigration officers. We will monitor your application so you don't miss any important deadlines.