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Express Entry's lowest CRS score drops to 433

Express Entry's second draw of the month (September 20th, 2017) results are out and a total number of 2871 candidates were issued invitations to apply for Permanent Residency.

Candidates who were already in the Express Entry pool and had comprehensive ranking system (CRS) scores of 433 or higher were invited to apply for permanent residency. This is an 2 point decrease from the last draw.

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of August 3, 2017:

CRS Score Range Number of Candidates

601-1200 209

451-600 851

441-450 301

431-440 1112

421-430 2,945

411-420 3,483

401-410 4,961

391-400 4,459

381-390 5,420

371-380 5,521

361-370 5,536

351-360 5,395

0-300 2,952

Total: 59,917

Visit for more information regarding the latest express entry draw!

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