BREAKING: Canada will admit nearly 1 million immigrants in the next 3 years.
Justin Trudeau's Liberal government has released its 2018 immigration plan today, which is a 3 year gradual increase of immigrants for economic, refugee and sponsored family members.
In the next 3 years, Canada plans to accept nearly 1 million (980,000) immigrants for Canadian permanent residency.

Here are the most important things you should note from the 2018 Canadian Immigration Plan:
1. The number of accepted immigrants will be 310,000 in 2018. For 2019, 330,000 will be accepted and then 340,000 in 2020 for a total of 980,000.
2. 60% (48,000) of the additional immigrants over the next three years will be economic-class immigrants such as investors and skilled workers.
Canadian Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen also praised the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP), which let provinces select specific skilled workers for their occupations in need.
In the past few years, the forecast was always attributed on a yearly basis. This year, the Canadian government has attributed a 3 year forecast as many Canadian provinces believe in the strength of diversity and that immigration is beneficial for the country's economy.